Smart Air Purifiers Coway vs Blueair

September 20, 2021

Smart Air Purifiers Coway vs Blueair

Let's clear the air once and for all. Air purifiers have now become a necessity rather than a luxury. With the rise of air pollution indoors and outdoors, it's essential to have an air purifier at home. Coway and Blueair are two of the most popular air purifiers in the market today. In this battle of the air purifiers, let's compare Coway vs. Blueair.

The Choices

First up is the Coway Airmega 400 Smart Air Purifier. It's ideal for large rooms of up to 1,560 square feet. It has a high CADR (Clean Air Delivery Rate) of 350 cubic feet per minute, which can purify the air in a large room in just 30 minutes. It has a four-stage filtration system that captures pollutants as small as 0.3 microns. It also has a smart mode that automatically adjusts the air filtration rate based on the room's air quality.

Next is Blueair Classic 605 Smart Air Purifier. The Blueair Classic 605 can purify a room of up to 698 square feet in just 12 minutes with a CADR of 500 cubic feet per minute. The Blueair Classic 605 has a three-stage filtration system that captures pollutants as small as 0.1 microns. It also features Blueair's HEPASilent technology. It combines electrostatic and mechanical filtration to remove 99.97% of airborne pollutants.

The Differences

When it comes to filtration systems, both air purifiers are effective in removing pollutants from the air. However, the Coway Airmega 400 has a four-stage filtration system, while the Blueair Classic 605 has a three-stage filtration system. Though, it's worth noting that the Blueair Classic 605 filtration system has Blueair's HEPASilent technology, which is effective in removing pollutants as small as 0.1 microns.

Regarding room capacity, the Coway Airmega 400 can purify air in a larger room up to 1,560 square feet, while the Blueair Classic 605 can purify air in a room of up to 698 square feet.

When it comes to CADR, the Blueair Classic 605 has the edge over the Coway Airmega 400, with a higher CADR of 500 cubic feet per minute, purifying a room's air in just 12 minutes.

The final factor would be the price. Blueair Classic 605 comes with a higher price tag compared to the Coway Airmega 400.


Both the Coway Airmega 400 and the Blueair Classic 605 are excellent air purifiers in their own right. It all comes down to your specific needs. If you have a larger room, the Coway Airmega 400 might be the better option, and if you need a higher CADR, Blueair Classic 605 might be the air purifier for you. If you're on a budget, the Coway Airmega 400 would be the better option.

At the end of the day, the most important thing is to have an air purifier at home to breathe cleaner air.


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